First United Methodist Church of Boulder welcomes everyone. We believe that we love God best by loving others.

We also believe that our differences are gifts from God, and that our intentional efforts to grow an increasingly diverse and inclusive faith community make God happy. Jesus not only embraced those marginalized by the dominant culture of the time, but also those who were so wrongly condemned by religious traditions and institutions.

First United Methodist Church of Boulder affirms that absolutely all of us are beloved children of God, including persons of all sexual orientations and gender identifications.

Jesus last words to his first followers were these:

“Come, follow me.”

Jesus’ first words to us are these:

“Come, follow me.”

We are blessed to follow in the way of Jesus.

Spiritual but not Religious

Here at First United Methodist Church of Boulder, we believe that human beings experience longing for meaning, purpose, connection to others and a desire for transcendence beyond oneself. From early in the history of humanity, religions emerged and evolved in response to that longing.

But we also know that while the institutions spawned by religion have had many positive influences, they also at times have inflicted great pain. For that reason, many people consider themselves to be “spiritual but not religious.”

We believe that how we treat each other and the world we live in is far more important than any recitation or adherence to a particular dogma. We feel that those who are spiritual seekers should be welcomed with open arms regardless of the path to compassionate action they might choose.

FUMC Boulder offers various opportunities to those who consider themselves Spiritual But Not Religious. We welcome individuals to explore these opportunities and share in our community of compassion.