The Advent and Christmas seasons here at First Church are a Symphony of Sound… a series of treats for your ears! Join us for special music on Sundays during the 10:30 am service, and also in worship on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day!
On December 11th and 18th, come at 10:15 (fifteen minutes early) to enjoy special pre-service music before worship begins at 10:30 am!
Check out this year’s musical offerings:
Worship is at 10:30 am MST on Sundays. You can join us in person, or live-stream worship from home. Visit our WORSHIP PAGE for more information.
For more information about First Church’s Christmas Eve services, please CLICK HERE.
Please Note: Amahl and the Night Visitors is a ticketed event being presented by Central City Opera. For tickets and more information, please visit Central City Opera’s WEBSITE.