Celebrating 15 Years as Reconciling Congregation
Join the Affirming and Welcoming Committee and Dr. Dorothee Benz (“just call her Benz”) as we celebrate First United Methodist Church’s 15th Anniversary of being a Reconciling Congregation. As a principal organizer and mastermind of the We Do campaign in New York, Benz will help guide FUMC’s next steps in our calling toward full ministry to and with the LGBTQ community.
>Saturday, March 3rd
9:30am – Morning workshop for FUMC only
12:00 noon – Lunch provided (RSVPs are helpful)
1:00pm – 3:00pm – Afternoon workshop with other
Rocky Mountain Conference congregations
>Sunday, March 4th
9:00am – Adult Forum discussion with OUTBoulder
10:30am – Worship Service featuring
Dr. Dorothee Benz and the Denver Gay Men’s Chorus
During our worship service, the Denver Gay Men’s Chorus, under the direction of Ben Riggs, will inspire us for our call to loving action. As always, all are invited to share in God’s bountiful and inclusive love through the morning communion service.
Also, our very own Forrest Barclay will be blogging and tweeting about our anniversary throughout the weekend! You can follow him on Twitter @RunForrestRun11 or read his blog by clicking HERE.
Family Life and Youth News
>>FamFirst Weekend is here! All are welcome!
*Friday, March 2nd, 6:00pm-9:00pm at FUMC, ( for ages infant to 5th grade)
*Saturday, March 3rd, 3:00pm-5:00pm at Scott Carpenter Park
*Sunday, March 4th, Breakfast at 9:00am and guest speaker Maurcio Shoup, OUTBoulder (9:15am-10:15am, FUMC Parlor)
*Music and activities for the children. Go to the Family Life page on our website to learn more.
>>Youth Activities
Youth on Sunday: Breakfast and a talk about bullying in Boulder at 9:00am.
Youth next Wednesday: Living Authentically – How do you stay true to yourself in such a crazy and busy world?
Youth Mission Trip dates announced! June 17-22. Please RSVP to Betsy.
Adult Forum
On Sunday, March 4th, Adult Forum will join FamFirst! There will be breakfast at 9:00 am followed by a program with OUTBoulder on bullying. This will be part of our Lenten series, Toward Resurrection: Social Change to Social Justice. Adult Forum meets in the parlor on Sundays at 9:00am. Please join us!
Guest Blogger Beth Hayward
Beth Hayward has written a beautiful piece about Lent that is posted on our website. Thank you Beth!
Sacred Bites
Join us for Sacred Bites on Tuesday, March 6th, at the Lazy Dog Saloon (on the Pearl Street Mall at 14th and Pearl). Gather around 11:30am for catching up and ordering lunch; discussion of the week’s scripture passage, John 2:13-22, begins at noon. Please join us!
Contributions for BCAP Grocery Bank
The month of March is our congregation’s turn to contribute to the Grocery Bank at Boulder County AIDS Project (BCAP). Shopping bags with attached lists of desired items will be available in the church entryway. Please be generous in meeting the needs of BCAP clients.
Grocery Shopping Cards Program
Purchase your King Soopers and Safeway grocery cards on sale today and every Sunday following worship. Join this easy fundraising project-$5 for each $100 purchase benefits the designated program. Funds collected in March benefit United Methodist Women mission projects. Stop at the table in the parlor to purchase grocery cards and to learn more about the grocery card program.
UMW News
Join with women around the world to observe World Day of Prayer on Friday, March 2nd. It will be at 9:30am at the Valmont Presbyterian Church. Please see the UMW bulletin board for more details. Events for March are: Executive Committee, Wednesday, March 7th at 9:30am in the Church Parlor; Quilters, Friday, March 9th at 9:30am in the UMW Work Room, contact Ginny Wells Working Women, Tuesday, March 20th at 6:30pm, contact Connie Takamine; Ruth Circle, Wednesday, March 21st at 9:30am in the Church Parlor, contact, Beth Hayward; Sarah Circle, Tuesday, March 27th at 9:30 am, contact Joan Nordgren. Coming up is the RMC Spiritual Life Retreat, April 28th-29th at Estes Park. Dana Jones will be the leader. We want a supportive contingent, contact Connie if interested.
Planning Ahead for Summer Newsletter
The deadline for submissions for our next quarterly newsletter is Tuesday March 27th. The summer issue will cover events and articles of interest for May, June and July. Send submissions to communications@fumcboulder.org. Thank you!