November 17th News

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Backstage at the opera! This Sunday come learn about what goes on backstage at the FUMC production of Amahl and the Night Visitors. This opera will be presented on December 10th and during service on December 11th. We meet at 9am in the Parlor. All are welcome!

Awesome CHURCHWIDE EVENT – Saturday, November 19th
Time to get into the spirit and pitch in for some volunteer opportunities prior to Thanksgiving. For the seventh year in a row we will need bodies to greet and gather food for Community Food Share at Alfalfa’s at 1651 Broadway Street (Arapahoe and Broadway). The shifts will run for two hours with 3-4 people per shift starting at 9:00 a.m. and going until 7:00 p.m. Contact Justin to sign up for a shift and help make a difference…we need you!

Another awesome CHURCHWIDE EVENT – Tuesday, November 22nd
Sort food at Community Food Share (6363 Horizon Lane, Niwot, CO 80503). The CFS has increasing demands as local budgets grow tighter so it’s time to help out and show them what FUMC can do! Show up to help sort the collected food from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. RSVP to Justin.

Family Life Ministries News
We are looking for more preschool-2nd grade children to play shepherds, angels, and lambs in the upcoming Christmas Pageant. These parts are non-speaking roles. All participants need to attend the dress rehearsal on Dec. 3rd at 9:00 am. We would also love for any children who can play a Christmas song on an instrument to perform in between acts during the pageant. Please contact Betsy Lay for more info.

Family Life Ministries folks will be hanging FUMC’s Advent schedule on doors in our neighborhood after church next Sunday, November 27. Please join us! Email Betsy for more info; click on her name above.

Youth News
On Saturday, November 19th, some of us are going to Denver for the PeaceJam Slam. If you’re not part of that group, please consider helping out at Alfalfa’s from 5-7 p.m. collecting donations for Community Food Share.

On Sunday, Nov. 20, we’ll have youth handbells and Sunday School as usual beginning at 9:15 a.m. Then, hang out after worship to walk around the neighborhood hanging Christmas ornaments plus an invitation to FUMC’s holiday happenings on doorknobs! There is no Youth Group on Wed., Nov. 23rd. Happy Thanksgiving!

Help BCAP Make the Holidays Special
Many of Boulder County AIDS Project’s clients live at or below the federal poverty line and rely on our food pantry to supplement their basic nutrition. Each holiday season BCAP endeavors to offer additional food items around Thanksgiving and the December holidays so that these clients may have a special holiday meal with their families. Please consider helping us provide a special holiday meal to those in our community living with HIV/AIDS. Just $24.50 buys a complete holiday dinner with turkey and all the trimmings.

Want to help? Here’s how:

1. Bring any or all of the above items to BCAP weekdays between 9:00 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. (before December 14th for the December holidays.)

2. Or send a monetary donation to BCAP:

ATTN: Holiday Meal Fund, 2118 14th St., Boulder, CO 80302

To make a donation by credit card or for more information contact Eric Berkemeyer at 303.444.6121.

United Methodist Women (UMW) News
Please mark your calendars for these upcoming UMW events! The Sarah Circle has moved their meeting to Tuesday, November 29, at 9:30 am; they will meet at Frazier Meadows Manor. Please contact Joan Nordgren at 303 440-1047 for more information. The next Working Women gathering will be Thursday, December 1 at 6:30 pm at the home of Connie Takamine; contact Connie with any questions. UMW is faith, hope and love in action!

November’s Mission Offering
The November Thanksgiving Offering is a special one, allowing us to show our gratitude for our many blessings over the past year and reflecting our hopes for the future. Your donations will be split in three ways, benefiting fellow people near and far.

Locally, our YAMs (Young Adult Methodists) decided that one-third of the offering will go to Community Food Share.

The UMC World Service Fund will also receive one-third of your offering, connecting our church to a long list of Methodist mission and ministry in national and international programs.

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) Global Fund will receive the final third of your offering, working to support programs that fight hunger and poverty, assist the displaced, and respond to disasters in the areas of greatest need.

Please give generously and help to make the world a better place for all to live in, in the spirit of Jesus as we worship together. You will find “Mission Offering” envelopes in the pews. Thank you for your caring about people in our community, throughout our country, and around the globe.

Grocery Shopping Cards
Purchase your King Soopers and Safeway grocery cards on sale each Sunday following worship. Join this easy fundraising project-$5 for each $100 purchase benefits the designated project. This month, funds support our church’s Worship and Music Committee. Stop at the table in the Parlor to purchase grocery cards or to learn more about the grocery card program.

Poinsettias for Advent
The Music and Worship Committee will be ordering poinsettias for the Advent season. The poinsettias will be used in the chancel to celebrate the season and may be taken home on December 25, 2011 after the Christmas Day Service. A 6-inch pot of red poinsettia is $10.00. Please make checks payable to FUMC, memo: Poinsettia. Order through the church office or place in offering plate by December 4th. (The original deadline has been extended!)

World AIDS Day Concert Thursday, 12/1 at FUMC
Our church is proud to partner with the Boulder County AIDS Project (BCAP) to present a concert commemorating World AIDS Day. BCAP welcomes the Resonance Women’s Chorus, directed by Sue Coffee and the Denver Gay Men’s Chorus, directed by Ben Riggs, in concert here at FUMC on Thursday, December 1st, at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $15 and may be purchased at, by calling BCAP at 303-444-6121, or at the door. All proceeds benefit BCAP. World AIDS Day is celebrated on December 1st each year around the world. It has become one of the most recognized international health days and a key opportunity to raise awareness, remember those who have died, and celebrate victories such as increased access to treatment and prevention services. Mark your calendars for this special day, and the moving concert!

Help With Stage Crew for Amahl 12/10 and 12/11
Evanne, Gerald, and the Chancel Choir could use some help with stage crew for the two performances of Amahl and the Night Visitors on Saturday, Dec. 10, at 2:00 pm, and Sunday, Dec. 11 during worship. Please contact Evanne if you’re interested: 303.442.3770, ext. 139.