Seicento Baroque Ensemble
Seicento Baroque Ensemble is Colorado’s premier choir specializing in performances of 17th and 18th century choral music under Artistic Director/Conductor Amanda Balestrieri, and Associate Conductor/Accompanist Gerald W. Holbrook. The auditioned chamber choir uses historically informed performance practices to bring to audiences the rarely heard gems of Monteverdi, Carissimi, Schütz, Purcell, Biber, Mielczewski, Scheidt, Charpentier, Vejvanovsky and others. Seicento Baroque Ensemble concerts include accompaniment by early music specialists playing baroque strings, violas da gamba, harpsichord, recorders, sackbuts, cornetto, baroque flute and baroque oboe. Visit Seicento’s website to learn more and find out about upcoming performances in First United Methodist Church of Boulder’s sanctuary, and at other venues along the Front Range.
Rich Saxon
Many of you may have admired the breathtaking photos that have been adorning our eBlasts, our website and even our newsletters. They are all thanks to the discerning eye of Artist in Residence, Rich Saxon. Rich has been drawn to the art of photography for many years – ever since an image of Jackie Kennedy after President Kennedy’s assassination had an emotional impact on him. “I thought – that is very interesting that something like that (a photograph) can have that kind of effect on people.” Rich is happy to be a part of the AIR program at FUMC because it acknowledges him as an artist and because of the caliber of all the other AIRs. “What wonderful company I’m here with.” See Rich’s work on his website:
Barb Olson
Barb Olson is a fiber artist. “I dye and paint fabrics, then use them to make an art composition. I add layers of stitching, quilting, and at times paint or beads to enhance the work. The work hangs on the wall.” And the results are stunning. Barb has worked with various fiber crafts, such as sewing, knitting, crocheting, embroidering, and quilting since her teenage years. “But in 1997 I saw my first art quilt and was totally hooked by it”. In 2000 she created an art group called Uncommon Cloth. Barb and her colleagues are grateful to be supported by FUMC. Being an AIR “means we have a space to exhibit our work that benefits the church congregation and visitors.“ Visit her online gallery/website to see more of her work.